Violet - Female Yorkie Yorkshire Terrier

Online Adoption Applicaton Violet is a sweet and shy one year old yorkie who is looking for her forever home. She was an owner surrender at a high kill shelter and was scared but is slowly coming out of her shell. She is spayed HW- current on shots and microchipped. Please email ----X(at)--- for more info.We are a RESCUE ORGANIZATION please complete your online Adoption Application which can be found on our website. We require an adoption application vet reference and a home visit with the pet. If you have current pets they must be spayed and or neutered current on their vaccinations and on heartworm preventative. ALL of our pets are spayed or neutered prior to being adopted. They are UTD on shots heartworm negative or treated and micro chipped. They must be kept on heartworm preventative. Our adoption fees vary. Puppies have an increased adoption fee since they need three or four sets of shots multiple de-wormings and other puppy needs to keep them healthy.We are a RESCUE ORGANIZATION therefore please complete your onlineadoption application which can be found on our website -.-----XX.- We require an adoption application vet reference and a home visit with the pet. if you have current pets they must be spayed and or neutered current on their vaccinations and on Heart worm preventative. ALL of our pets are spayed or neutered prior to being Adopted. They are UTD on shots Heart worm negative or treated %26 micro chipped. They must be kept on Heart worm preventative. Our adoption fee varies. Puppies have an increased adoption fee since they need 3 or 4 sets of shots multiple de-wormings plus other puppy needs to keep them healthy.... More Info



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