Found and rescued two dogs

I am a delivery driver that travels from Indianapolis through Illinois into Missouri and back through Illinois with my daughter. On my way back to Indianapolis I found two dogs stuck in a ditch in feet of water. Both were soaked and skinny. Cold and starving I put them in the back of my truck and took them to the next town to the vet. They didn t have the type of facility that could house them so they sent me to the next town that had a no kill shelter. As luck would have it they were full. So my daughter and I asked for some food and they ate every piece of kibble looking for more. I decided that I would take them home and try to fix them up and find them homes. He is a young male white with spots everywhere and she is a bit older 2 maybe and black. They are both mixed breeds. They are both loving and playful and love each other too. I have two dogs and two cats already and just can t take on two more. They immediately got along with all of my fur babies. The cats are not impressed however.



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