Dio - Male Irish WolfhoundLabrador Retriever Mix

Meet Dio He s an eighth month old Irish Wolfhound mix. He was dumped in a rural subdivision and luckily found his way to us. He s got a super temperament and is friendly with people and dogs. He does get a bit anxious if he s left alone most likely due to his recent abandonment so really needs a home where he s either got a doggy sibling or where his people are home most of the time. He s an absolute lover Although healthy in all other respects Dio tested positive for heartworms so will be undergoing treatment shortly. He sure could use a foster home or better yet a forever home during his treatment. Waldo s Muttley Crew will pay for his heartworm treatment. If you d like to help Dio in either capacity let us know. A foster application or adoption application can be found on our website. -.-----XX.- Adoption fee 200... More Info



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