PUPPY SANDY - Female Labrador RetrieverHusky Mix

SANDY STUNNING YOUNG BABY GAL Sandy is a Chocolate Labrador Retriever mixed w Husky w Very Expressive Amber Eyes Sandy is a True Find just Stunning & as Sweet as Sugar Sandy loves all dogs kids cats gets along great w everyone Sandy is a baby herself only thirty eight pounds n approximately eight months old Sandy is Spay Tested Up on all Vaccines & on monthly preventatives. Sandy is happy healthy n housebroken. Come meet Sandy Now She is in search of her forever loving worthy adopter Contact - - -X --XX(at)----X Our application process has two steps FIRST an application must be approved for adoption from our rescue. SECOND we determine whether the pet that has been applied for is a good match for the household that wants to adopt him her. We take into consideration the pet s activity level compatibility with other members of the household (human and other pets) etc. If your application has been approved but the pet you applied for is no longer available please take the time and look over our adoptable pets again. We will make every effort to find the right pet for an approved applicant. We hope you agree and understand that our goal to find the best forever home is our 1 priority ... More Info



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