Tagalong - Male Labrador Retriever Mix

My name is Tagalong and I am quite the debonair and sweet fellow. I am mostly black but I have some white black spotted fur on my neck and feet - sorta like an Oreo. It makes me look like I am wearing a tuxedo. I am a playful 3-year-old Labrador mix who weighs 56 pounds. I LOVE treats and will do almost anything to earn one - including a very nice sit. I was surrendered to the SPCA of Texas on August 2 and am ready to find my forever family. I have been neutered microchipped and have received age-appropriate vaccinations as well as flea tick preventatives. I want to come tagalong with you to my new home. Come see me today and let me sweep you off your feet Written by Michelle SPCA of Texas Volunteer. Primary Color Black Secondary Color White Weight 56.6 Age 4yrs 8mths 3wks... More Info



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