Ivana - Female Bichon FrisePoodle (Miniature) Mix

My name is Ivana and I am a Bichon Fris Poodle mix girl. I weigh 9.7 pounds and I am 2 years old. I was released by a breeder because I did not produce enough... I am a little timid at first but I warm up quickly given you are patient with me. I am friendly to the other dogs and to cats. I prefer a home without children. I am learning to enjoy being a lap dog and being loved on. I am spayed current on shots heartworm negative microchipped and I had my teeth cleaned on 12 17 2015. I am crate trained and good on potty training. My adoption fee is 350. If interested please send your application to Linda at -----X(at)--- You can send an APPLICATION FORM by email at -----X(at)--- or by fax at -----X. For more information please call Linda at -----X.... More Info



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