Hannah - Female Calico

We are Hannah and Herbie ---brother and sister team ---Birthday 5-1-16. Hannah dilute calico with a stubby tail Herbie-Solid White. Both DSH. We are SOOOO sweet and loving. We would LOVE to go to a new home together so we will have a kitty buddy. We follow you around everywhere and loved to be held and loved on. We are big helpers around the house too. We tested negative for FELV-FIV and are spayed-neutered. We are vaccinated RCP (all 3) dewormed treated for fleas and Microchipped. We are Litter box trained. Call or email Jerri -----X You can visit this Saturday and the Mt. Zion Petsmart in Morrow put us on hold with a deposit and application. To complete an application go to -.---X.- on the left go to application Adoption fee 110.00 plus 10.00 microchip fee. We will pay the microchip fee if adopted in the next week. HURRY Free carrier Free food Free starter litter pan Free toys with each adoption. ... More Info



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