Reese - Female German Shepherd Dog Mix

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Click my picture for more info. on me Hi my name is Reese. I am only 50lbs (mini shepherd) 2 years old GREAT with kids dogs of all ages and sizes and cats. I am calm quiet affectionate loyal and obedient. I am everything you could ever want in a dog. And I walk perfectly on a leash. I do need a home with someone that can take me on at least 3 walks a day to keep my mind stimulated.Estimated DOB 06 30 2014 Adoption fee 250CLICK HERE to APPLY TO ADOPT or paste the following link in your browser -X ----X.- available-dogs dog-adoption-application Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet.All our pets are tested for heartworm (dogs) or FLV FIV (cats) spayed neutered and up-to-date on their vaccines and flea prevention. Please visit -.----X.- for info on adopting our pets.... More Info



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