Beautiful Office Space in House Springs From 1,200 to 2,400 sq f

INVESTORS Now is the time to grab this deal Newer office professional building. Good solid leases 3 commercial acres with an additional 7 acres available. Highway frontage with one of the few crossover accesses off highway 30 for your and your customers convenience. A great place of additional homes apartments church etc. to be built or just sit back and collect the rents on existing building and let it pay for itself. Better than money in the bank 8 units all have either 1 160 or 1 185 sq ft. Each have their own furnace air and electric meters. Sellers are licensed real estate brokers with Phase One Realty Inc. and reserve the right to continue leasing the 2 units now doing business as Phase One Realty Inc. Can purchase all 10 000 sq ft and acreage for only 699 900



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