Ellie - Female Bull Terrier

Please contact JoEllen (--XX(at)--X) for more information about this pet.Go to -.----XX.- and use the online application form Meet little Ellie - she is a 2 yr old minnie Bull Terrier weighing in at 27 pounds. Ellie is your typical goofy Bull Terrier who is the biggest snuggler you will ever meet REllie gets along wonderfully with all of her foster siblings and loves to play She is kenneled trained house broken spayed current on vaccinations. She did test light positive for heartworms and she has been started on the slow kill which she should breathe thru without any issues Everything to complete this protocol will be included in her adoption.Ellie s adoption fee is 300 and an online application can be completed at -.----XX.-Go to -.----XX.- and use the online application form ... More Info



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