Sky (No adoption fee) Updated - Female Rottweiler

Hi Everybody I m Sky I love love love to meet new people and I d love to meet you I am over 70 pounds but I am just a big puppy at heart. I know some of the basics like the sit command but mostly I give kisses and love belly rubs. I know I need somebody who is an experienced large dog owner who will spend some time with me and give me some proper training. I m young so I need somebody who will show me what to do and how to be a really good girl. I would like to be the only pet in my home so that I can have all of the attention to myself. And guess what somebody likes me so much that they are sponsoring my adoption fee I know How cool is that I am spayed microchipped and am up to date on all my vaccines so as soon as the right person comes along I can go home with them right away. Is that person you Stop by to see me and lets find out Providence Animal Center is funded solely by adoption fees and donations. Adoption fees vary per animal please call the Adoption Center and reference this animal s ID number in order to obtain accurate fee information. The system requires that we choose a predominant breed or breed blend for our dogs. Visual breed identification in dogs is unreliable so for most of the dogs we are only guessing at predominant breed or breed blend. We get to know each dog as an individual and will do our best to describe each of our dogs based on personality not by breed label.To foster or adopt this dog please call Providence Animal Center at -----X during adoption hours. You may also email ---(at)-----X. Can t foster or adopt Donate to help our homeless pets -.----.- donate.Our adoption requirements and a printable application form may be found on our website. With your adoption fee you get a lot for FREE All the pets adopted from Providence Animal Center are given wellness exams are spayed neutered fully vaccinated dewormed and microchipped. Additionally dogs over 7 months old are heartworm tested and all felines are tested for FELV FIV. Adopters may receive discounted wellness care from our adoptions health department and also get a complimentary wellness visit at a participating private veterinary practice up to 30 days post-adoption and the pets are given personality evaluations. It doesn t stop there- a gift of one month of pet health insurance is included along with unlimited phone consultations and e-mail exchanges with our trained feline and canine behavior experts.Not ready to adopt yet You can still guarantee the safety and well-being of any of our dogs or puppies by temporarily fostering one or more right in your own home. Visit our foster page to learn about the program. Then email your application along with any questions to foster(at) for immediate review.Providence Animal Center 555 Sandy Bank Rd Media PA 19063 (610) ---XAdoption fees are subject to change due to specials or variable pricing. If you are over 55 years old adopt any dog 5 years or older for only 55.50- included are free vaccinations for the following year. For more information on monthly specials check our facebook page- ProvidenceAnimalCenter. For more information on variable pricing ask our staff members.... More Info



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