Mayzie McGrew - Female Shih Tzu Mix

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Sacramento- Mayzie McGrew is a super sweet mom dog who came to use with her babies from Friends of Tulare Animal Services. She was a matted mess and covered in foxtails (we had them surgically removed from her hip nose and ears) and she received a shelter shave which made her look a lot like a Dr. Seuss character so we decided to name her and her babies after characters. Daisy-Head Mayzie is like most Shih Tzus she is super easy going and is happy to do whatever you are d oing. She is awesome and has lived with dogs of all sizes cats and children and is just about perfect. She is about 2 years old and would do well in most homes. She will be available for adoption approx 8 20 but we are accepting applications now. She is spayed microchipped and up to date on vaccines. You can find our adoption process and apply online for her at -X ------.- adoption-process Adoption fee 200



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