Blanket - Female Chihuahua Mix

Blanket is just a baby and a lot like a Kindergartner on the first day of school she is wide-eyed and excited-- but a little nervous too She s a Chihuahua mix pup all dressed for success in her pretty black-and-tan coat trying to be brave. She s not sure where to sit when the snacks arrive or even whether it s OK to grab a tempting toy and have some fun. Your first impulse will be to scoop her up and tell her it s all OK. Right now she needs a person she can trust to show her the ropes. Will you be her patient mentor and show her around Meet bouncy Blanket at the East Bay SPCA. Pet number 38178. Primary Color Black Secondary Color Tan Weight 7.6 Age 0yrs 5mths 4wks... More Info



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