Star - Female Pit Bull Terrier Mix

Star is a gorgeous fun and confident puppy of 7 months. She loves everyone and is so happy to meet new people and have new adventures She loves long walks playing ball car rides and cuddles. She also loves to chew and tough chew toys are recommended (nylabones hooves etc). Star has had 40 hours of training with a professional trainer. She is very smart and responds to commands sit stay leave it and has name recognition. She is kennel trained and house trained. She has spent the last couple of months getting lots of socialization with other dogs cats and kids (she had some recovery to do from some trauma in her young life). She can be dog reactive and doesn t like every dog but has made MUCH improvement in a short time. She has lived with other dogs and prefers dogs that are playful and submissive. She is fine with cats.She will need a home where all people provide her with structure exercise fun and calm assertive guidance to continue her training and balance. She will be fine with older kids who know how to properly and assertively give commands. She will try to dominate otherwise. Some family training sessions may help so everyone is consistent and confident. She cannot be left in a kennel or left alone for 8-10 hours a day. She can t wait to be your Star.Star is spayed micro-chipped and up-to-date on vaccinations. Her adoption fee is 300.00. If interested in adopting her please fill out our Adoption Application on our website (posted below).... More Info



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