Sophie - Female English Bulldog

Sophie is looking for a great new home Here is what we know about this adorable girl Sophie is a pure bred English bulldog in need of a home without other dogs. She was raised with a cat and is fine with them. She will be 5 years old in September is spayed microchipped and had stenotic nares surgery so she can breathe easier. She s a very healthy girl. She s house broken and uses a doggie door as well. She adores kids and has the best personality. Please email right away if you would like to learn more about this dog......and visit our website -.---XX.- to learn more about our rescue group. THE DOGS SHOWN ON THE SITE ARE IN FOSTERCARE - WE DO NOT HAVE A SHELTER TO VISIT. EMAIL is the best way to reach us.We are a volunteer run very small organization - so please be patient when waiting for a response but feel free to check back in if you haven t heard from us in a day or so - thank you so much for considering a rescued pooch ... More Info



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