MAXWELL - Male Anatolian Shepherd Mix

AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION Maxwell is a 4-year old Anatolian Shepherd mix weighs-in at just about 100 pounds and is a lively fun jumbo pooch. After years of medical neglect Maxwell s previous owners just dropped him at the animal shelter but SPOT stepped in and got him the care he deserves. Due to chronic ear infections that were never treated he needed ear canal surgery and partial removal of both of his external ear flaps so that gives Maxwell a one-of-a-kind appearance now but he is still a very handsome big guy don t you think Thankfully he still hears great and is waiting to hear from a new adoring family that he is he is loved and cared for. Maxwell is sweet and loving toward all the people he has met. He likes to play ball and to go for car rides. He is crate-trained and house-trained just get him outside a couple of times a day so he can do his business. He walks great on his harness knows to sit when asked and he gives very cool high-5 s too. Maxwell does well with other polite friendly dogs that are not too small (due to his size and energy level). If you would like to meet lovable Maxwell please email -X(at)-----XX or you can call -----X and leave a message. He would love to meet you and we d love to arrange the meeting for you. His adoption fee is 175 and includes all vaccinations microchip and neuter. For an adoption application visit -X ----X.- adoption-application-dogs To follow Maxwell on his way to a loving family on SPOT s Facebook page visit -XX --XX.- spotsavespets ... More Info



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