Adorable Lionhead Rabbits

If you ever wanted to own one of those tribbles from Star Trek here are the closest thing to a tribble. These lionhead rabbits are adorable sweet balls of fur. If you are allergic to cats or dogs they may be your best companion for most are not allergic to these lovable animals.They are perfectly fine in apartments and can be litter box trained very easily. Once bonded with you some say they are more affectionate than cats.Currently we have white smoke smoky blue and white with gray markings and harlequin fawn with smoke overtones. All very unique. And they don t grow more than 3.5 lbs. sweet and small and ready to bond with you.Call for more information or to set an appointment to come pick one out.Spring Haven Farm RabbitryMember of American Rabbit Breeders Association. We are in Culpeper Va.



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