06 honda 450er

06 honda 450 its got alot of aftermarket parts ive got alot in this bike just need it gone hmf exhaust carb jetted uni filter over size clear gas tank 2 batterys set up for 24 volt starting kick start kit added two houser steering stem houser fat bar clamp flexx bars power maid hand gaurds pro armor nerf bars rpm front bumper bling star rear bumper rekluse clutch long travel suspension elka shocks front an rear dirt works rear linkage rear chain an brake rotor gaurd elka steering stabilazer case saver kill switch quad tech lazy boy seat dual beed lock hypers on rear 21x11x9 hole shot gncc tires on rear like new single beed lock hypers on front 21x7x10 maxxis rzr two tires on frt like new probably forgetting some stuff 3600 obo all trades considered lmk what you got will post pics tommorow...



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