Diego - Male Doberman Pinscher

Meet young Diego a sweet 1 and 1 2 year old guy who was surrendered to us. He weighs about 56 pounds. The owners only had him 3 days and found him to be shy and a bit scared but was doing great with them. They decided to get rid of him after he barked at a neighbor they passed on a walk. So we got Diego and he spent some time with a senior member of our group with excellent dog skills and she saw nothing of concern just a young one who has not had many boundaries and will push your buttons accordingly. And he has been a big (well metaphorically) sweetheart here at the kennel. Diego just has a face that always looks like he is happy and smiling Impish is a good word for him. He seems to be housebroken and is respectful of his kennel no chewing up his bedding. He barks but not excessively. We tested him with other dogs and he passed with boys and girls all dogs were very close to his age. Diego is a boy who needs structure and rules like any youngster so he will know you are the one in charge. Take the reigns and you will have a fine life together.... More Info



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