Rosita - Female ChihuahuaWhippet Mix

Rosita is a slim little thing a Chihuahua Whippet mix. Her body looks to be built for speed and she does indeed move quickly and gracefully. She is sleek lean and attractive in her smooth brown-and-white coat. She is a young adult barely over a year old and she wants a new career as your Constant Companion. Rosita is spontaneous and affectionate and she is looking to enjoy a mutually satisfying low-maintenance pet guardian relationship. She could be all you need. Let her sit at your feet give her a little walk outside and see if she should be your devoted companion. Meet reliable Rosita at the East Bay SPCA. Pet number 38298. Primary Color Brown Secondary Color White Weight 13.5 Age 1yrs 0mths 2wks... More Info



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