Guadalupe - Female Terrier (Unknown Type Small) Mix

Guadalupe is busy being a Wallflower but with quiet words and some tempting treats she can be coaxed into a lap for some much-needed affection. She is a Small Terrier mix and we do mean small. She is a tiny wisp of a dog and although she is fully grown she could easily be taken for a puppy. Her coat is pure white and fluffy. Yes she s very shy at first but soon her playful and charming side emerges. Guadalupe will do well with a patient owner in a relaxed atmosphere. Your gentle guidance will help her come out of her shell of shyness. Treat her kindly and watch her blossom. Meet pretty-girl Guadalupe at the East Bay SPCA. Pet number 38224. Primary Color White Weight 3.6 Age 2yrs 0mths 3wks... More Info



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