Auto Dealership Development Manager

Dealership Development Manager Salt Lake City UT We have an opening for a Dealership Development Manager based in Salt Lake City. If you thrive in a fast-paced environment join our team. At American Financial and Automotive Services Inc. you will be on the road to an exciting regional sales career with a growing organization. Your territory will be assigned following training. As a Dealership Development Manager you will be responsible for the development of American Financial accounts to increase product sales and improve dealership performance. Performance goals will include increasing revenues and developing accounts using our extensive portfolio of products and services. You will be responsible for prospecting and acquiring new automotive dealership accounts and will be assigned regional responsibilities. Performance requirements will include implementing policies and procedures for newly acquired business facilitating sales presentations and selling dealership training tracking and monitoring dealership performance. This position reports to a Regional Sales Manager and licensing will be required. You must be able to travel. Successful retail automotive sales management and F& I experience required. Requirements 3 plus years retail F& I and or General Manager experience required Proven sales experience with extensive knowledge of automobile dealership operations Strong sales skills The ability to work independently and as part of a team Excellent presentation and communication skills Strong problem solving and customer service skills Computer skills - Microsoft Office Bachelor s Degree preferred advanced degree a plus Please forward your resume by fax or email to Human Resources American Financial & Automotive Services Inc. Fax (484) 805-3357job151416270(at)



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