2010 GMC Acadia SL - Price: $22,692

One owner Auxiliary cord capable steering wheel controls Room Room Room White Knight This fantastic 2010 GMC Acadia is the one-owner SUV you have been looking for. It is nicely equipped. Awarded Consumer Guide s rating as a 2010 Midsize SUV Best Buy. New Car Test Drive called it ...more refined offers sharper handling and gets better fuel mileage than a full-size SUV however. A crossover it s constructed more like a car than a truck so it s lighter and has a more rigid chassis than a truck does... This Acadia has plenty of passenger space and a hatch area with cargo room galore. Visit to view a Free Price Check Come to Greenway and test drive this GMC Acadia today Q-Certified for up to 2 years and 100k mile warranty Rental Reimbursement 128 point inspection Never buy a pre-owned vehicle without it



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