99 South Bull Terriers just in time for spring full AKC register

It s that time again. 99 South Bull Terriers just had a fresh litter of puppies puppies just turned 2 weeks old today.mother is AKC registered champion Anndee s. Father is also AKC registered .. top half champion anndee s bottom half is champion KILACABAR. The puppies will be dewormed.will have first set of shots . Also if you want the puppy microchip. it will be an additional cost. we can ship puppy anywhere for additional cost. We have 2 females and 1 boy puppies left 1400. For boys 1450 for girls contact me here (916)2741840 or (424) 224-1478 thank you for choosing 99 South bull terriers where the best Terriers live.... champion bloodline very good looking dogs. April 7th puppies are ready to go to their new homessouth99.wixsite.com mysiteOnce again thank you for choosing 99 South Bull Terriers..



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