Book Now Exclusive Retail Shop 260 sq.ft with Gaur City Mall Noi

Gaur City Mall in Gr. Noida West. come up with marvelous retail shops for the better business future. Incorporates with advanced technology Gaur City Mall has lots of facilities attracting buyers and customers. Work Enjoy and Relax at Gaur City Mall becomes true You will enjoy higher-position in market within short span of time. Don t Miss this golden opportunity Just Call Us - 91 9268-789-000 Amenities CONVENIENCE & SECURITY Escalators Power Back Up Lift Property Staff Vastu CompliantECO FRIENDLY Landscape Garden Paved Compound Terrace Garden Squash Court Tennis CourtProject Details Project Name Gaur City Mall Location Kisan Chowk (Greater Noida West) Shop Size 260 Sq.Ft. Price Rs. 19.54 LacContact Details TruHomes Realty B-67 2nd Floor Sector 63 Noida - 201301. Contact No. 91 9268-789-000Visit



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