Kierragin - Female Cattle DogGolden Retriever Mix

COURTESY LISTING - PLEASE CONTACT ---XX(at)--- for more information Kierragin is a beautiful 50 pound retriever Shepherd cattle dog mix. Her mom is a cattle dog mix and dad is golden retriever Shepherd Husky mix. This lovely girl is 2 years old and is sweet as can be. Kierragin loves people of all ages from babies to adults but given her size and energy she would do best with older children. She is playful and energetic and likes to exercise.She would do great with outdoors type people with lots of love and time to give. She also loves to just snuggle up on the couch with you.Kierragin likes to go on walks but needs a little guidance learning to walk on leash better. She is very smart and learns quickly. She has been raised with her mom dad siblings and has spent time with Doberman s and Maltese friends. She would do well in a household with a resident dog. She is also tolerant and playful with cats but also likes to chase them.Kierragin would make a wonderful addition to any family. She is spayed up to date on vaccinations tested negative for heart worms and is microchipped. For more information please contact Vanessa at ---XX(at)---.... More Info



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