Commercial Space in Signature Global Mall Ghaziabad 9711836846

Signature Global presents commercial space at affordable prices and wold class facilities. Signature Global Mall Ghaziabad is the perfect property for investment having excellent site plan with best location sector 3 vaishali Ghaziabad. Signature Global Mall presents Under Construction properties and the major Amenities in the project are Banquet Hall.Amenities Recreational Entertainment Indoor Zone for children.Spread across 8 floors & rooftop club full of lifestyle amenities.Recreational Entertainment Indoor Zone for children.Kids gaming zone promoting kids entertainment and family interactionFully Furnished Suites with modern interiors & contemporary designWalking distance from the Vaishali (NCR) Metro StationProject Detail Project Name Signature Global MallLocation Sector 3 Vaishali GhaziabadArea 525 Sq.Ft.Price 45 Lacs Contact Detail Call Us 9711836846visit Us



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