Jasper - Male American Pit Bull Terrier Mix

Hi my name is Jasper I m so excited to meet you I love new people and making new friends. They tell me that I ve never met a stranger before. I love to run and play and just be a goofy pup. When I first came to Faithful Friends I was very skinny and scared. I was nursed back to health and now I am ready to find my forever home I love to play with my stuffed toys and run around in the play yard with other pups my size. I don t do so well with little dogs or cats because I try to play with them and they don t like that very much I am potty trained and crate trained already. I also ride great in the car with you. My favorite thing in the whole world is a good belly rub My forever family has to promise to give me lots of belly rubs and to play with my lots. When I m tired from playing I would love to snuggle up in your lap. You are never too big to be a lap dog If you have an active lifestyle and would like a fun loving and sweet dog to join you on adventures come meet me today I promise to be your best friend forever. Primary Color Buff Secondary Color Tiger Brindle Weight 36 Age 1yrs 0mths 1wks... More Info



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