Buddy - Male Australian Shepherd Mix

Hi there My name is Buddy and I m still new to this shelter dog life but I m trying hard to adjust. I am still a little nervous around people and I don t like it when they move to quickly. Some people think that I might have been abused before I came here. I was found as a stray so they can t be sure. Because of this I need a family with adults only or older children that understand who to be slow and gentle with me. Once I have warmed up to you I am a sweet and loving guy that enjoys getting attention and pets. I m not very interested in toys but I like getting to take a leisurely stroll around the play yard. If you think that you have enough room in your heart for a special dog like me I would love to meet you Primary Color Tri Color Weight 34.8 Age 3yrs 0mths 2wks... More Info



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