Calgary Vending Businesses

The Affordable Business Partner connects buyers & sellers of businesses and commercial real estate in Alberta. Who can we introduce you to If interested in any of these businesses PLEASE indicate which number you are interested in.1) 159 000 (Includes all 57 machines-Average age 6 years. Value estimated at 95 000). Income Information Gross Annual Sales 155 202 (2016) 149 206 (2015) Adjusted Net Income 67 131 (2016) 35 367 (2015) 2) 99 900 for 14 Locations with 32 Vending machines This quality well established vending route offers the buyer a chance at a cash business for only 12-15 hours per week Work only on Mondays and Thursdays with relatively flexible hours. Most of these locations have been established customers for over ten years and with the current owner courtesy vending and providing quality service for the past two years. With net profits of between 2000 and 3000 month. Easy to learn and operate. Full training will be provided.3) Calgary 549 000 Well established vending machine business. Current owner has owned the business the last 9 years. Many of the locations are in schools. This company has built a great reputation for great service quality healthy foods & beverages. Full training is provided. Very easy business to learn and operate. Excellent family business. Gross Annual Sales 657 172 (2015) Adjusted Net Income 172 008 (2016) 176 725 (2015) Selling a business is easy. Finding a buyer is not. We offer several low-cost options to help you find buyers for your business. Find out how. Visit The Affordable Business



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