Seeking a wife mom or grandmother with secrets.

I am seeking an email friend. Someone to rant to ask opinions of talk about marriage kids dogs work home life whatever we should so desire. I am in my 40s. I will talk to anybody at least 18 or above. Seems I can get along with anyone of any age race etc. We are but one race. The Human Race. But some are idiots. (- I am married it shouldn t matter. If at any point we so choose to share a bit of our naughty side OK. Not a requirement though. Whats your greatest fantasy Whats the naughtiest thing you have done Share any of your deepest darkest secrets. It would be nice to have some one not in our daily life to share a bit of life with. Maybe text eventually. Have a little fun and a laugh with it. Tell me all you want to share upon your reply. Pictures are totally up to you. It would be nice to know who is on the other end of the e-mail. Please change the subject line to your age. Be Honest. We have nothing to lose or gain. I want to get a reply from a real woman. No silly websites and or spam. Thank You Have a Grrrrreat Day



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