Spirit Journey and Hypnotherapy

Join me for journeying sessions including hypnosis pathworking meditation and energy work in Boston.Facilitated by a skilled female mystical practitioner. Blending spiritual counseling bodywork and transcendent meditation she shares fun and easy practices that promote health and wellness and encourage connection.Take your relationship with Self and Other to another level.What is a spirit journey It s a quest. Meaning the goal is to discover something. With spirit journeying the quest is to discover who you truly are and to align with your greatest potential. It s a process of personal awareness and intuitive inspiration. It is as unique and individual as each person.How is a spirit journey facilitated Many journeying tools have been used for centuries in shamanic and mystic traditions and often include guided imagery hypnotherapy powerful teaching plants partner yoga meditation music movement and spiritual counseling. The approach and tools are often different for each person based on their unique needs.How can I experience a journey The simple answer... intend it. Mentally project your intention to begin a spiritual journey. Send your intention into the universe and be open to receiving it. That is really all it takes. Additionally some will also seek out spiritual counselors and or shamanic practitioners to assist with the journeying process. This is often found to be a very powerful experience.Contact .



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