Sacramento Tzzy and Lizzy is a small soft and fluffy small Malte

sacramento Tzzy and Lizzy is a small soft and fluffy small Maltese puppies. She is a lovely companion dog that loves to be with her family. She is a very bright little dog who is eager to please and responds well to gentle training.for adoption. From a litter of 4 we only now have a male and female available. Now 12 weeks old they are She will snuggle in your lap or on your chest and loves to be held close.Maltese puppies now ready both current on all shots Akc registered and potty-trained. They ve been raised as members of our home and will fit smoothly into any pet-loving home(s) without any problems at all coupled with the fact that they ve been around other pets and kids as well. Please get in touch with us if you re interestedv(513) this is334 my 6763 number feel free to text or call me



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