HiJinx - Female Domestic Mediumhair

HiJinx came to GGOH with her sister and her sister s five kittens when her owners lost their home and needed a safe place to leave them. HiJinx is approximately 18 months old (Aug. 2016). Up-to-date on vaccinations but not yet spayed. This beautiful girl is sweet and friendly and just a ball of fluff She has been adjusting to her new shelter world and is doing wonderfully well. While she did come in with her sister we think she would do just fine if they were separated as we haven t seen them sticking too closely to each other and do not nap or play with each other all that often. She really is quite a charming girl BEFORE CONTACTING US REGARDING HIJINX PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO REVIEW OUR ADOPTION POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. -.--X.-... More Info



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