Wendy - Female Chihuahua Mix

Wendy wants to be a Wallflower for awhile and haven t we all been there at one time or another Still we all need friends and that little tail going tip-tip-tip shows that she really would like a new friend. Wendy is tiny a Chihuahua mix even smaller than the average so small that she might be mistaken for a puppy. She is a mature dog although she looks like a big-eyed pup. Her coat is white with tan points. She may seem shy but she has a charming side a good match for a patient pet guardian with a relaxed lifestyle. Your gentle guidance will help her come back out of her shell. Take her home and watch her blossom Meet winsome Wendy at the East Bay SPCA. Pet number 38116. Primary Color White Secondary Color Tan Points Weight 5.4 Age 4yrs 0mths 4wks... More Info



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