Ben - Male Labrador Retriever

Ben comes to us as an unclaimed stray. He was found running happily on the beach with no owner in sight. He is a sweet goofy kind of guy who thinks life is just great. Ben loves squeaky toys and will disembowel one in seconds. We think Ben is about 8 years old but he has the energy of a two year old. Ben gets along nicely with other dogs and should be fine for kids ages 6 and up. He can be a bit of a puller on leash so we recommend the use of a sense-a-tion harness when walking him. He will need plenty of exercise. Figure on at least two long walks per day and a run on the beach from time to time. Ben will do well with an active family who will include him in their activities.If you are looking for a sweet kind of goofy loving dog take a look at Ben he may be your perfect match Primary Color Chocolate Weight 52.8 Age 8yrs 0mths 2wks... More Info



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