ABBY - Female Chihuahua

Well Hello My name is Abby. I m not your everyday Chihuahua Mix. I am a smart independent girl who needs a happy home. I enjoy playing both inside and out in the back yard. Sometimes when nobody s looking I ll play with my toy and throw it to myself. I take a few minutes to warm up to people and dogs but once I m comfortable and trust you I ll burrow my way into your heart- just like I burrow into blankets (and sometimes your laundry.) I follow basic and even some advanced commands I don t bark much and I m definitely house-broken. I m happy to go outdoors with you and worship the sun while you garden or BBQ. I m also happy to stay inside and enjoy the air-conditioning perched up on the top of a couch keeping an eye on things. Sometimes you ll forget I m even there.But don t get me wrong I still like to go on walks and check out the neighborhood smells. Ask my foster parents about the tricks I can do. I just need a forever home.... More Info



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