21" 14kt. Herringbone Chain - Price: $2000

21 14kt. yellow gold herringbone chain. 1 4 wide thick as a penny locking safety clasp excellent condition. This is 41 grams of solid 14kt. gold I have owned this chain for approximately 15 years. It has been stored in my safe for the past 12 years. Paid 3500 Asking 2000. If it were purchased new today full retail would probably be around 5000. FREE shipping anywhere in the U.S. Scott (404)831-5834 EXODUS 20 15 ATTN THIEVES Please be assured I know all about Paypal s method of operation. I know that they do not hide money from their customers(buyers or sellers). The only way that anyone is getting this chain is by depositing 2000 in my account. So don t bother with your stupid looking FAKE emails or wire transfer scams. I was not born last night. No money. No gold.



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