AJ - Male Rottweiler

NEW BEGINNINGS SHEPHERD RESCUE Locations in Holly Hill and Pelzer SCWONDERFUL BOY Good with other dogs and People AJ was an owner turn in because they no longer had time for this beautiful boy.......we try not to judge but this boy is so loving loyal and low maintenance it s hard to believe that anyone would ever part with him He is good with other dogs people and didn t pay attention to our cat He is affectionate and wants so badly to have a FOREVER family of his very own to love and watch over. AJ walks well on a leash which is a good thing as he is 90lbs. and quite a big boy. Whoever adopts this wonderful boy will certainly be getting a gem of a dog If you are interested in adopting this dog please submit an application via our website please indicate the dog you are interested in meeting where it says preference on the application You may also email -XX(at)-------XX we are always happy to answer any questions you may have. Our adoption applications are available at -.------X.- If you give them your heart they will give you theirs. If you are interested in adopting this dog please email -XX(at)-------XX we are always happy to answer any questions you may have. Our adoption applications are available at -.------X.- IF YOU HAVE SUBMITTED AN ADOPTION APPLICATION AND HAVE NOT HEARD FROM US....PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER. Thank you for rescuing ..........if you give them your heart they will give you theirs. GIVING NEW BEGINNINGS TO OLD FRIENDS... More Info



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