Programmer Analyst - Compensation: 50,000-68,000

This position is responsible for developing integrating and supporting in-house and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) web applications for the Administrative Office of the Courts as well as developing electronic exchanges between systems. In-house web development is primarily in a .NET Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft Active Directory environment but includes Web Services Windows Services and BizTalk applications. The predominant programming languages are C ASP.NET and T-SQL. This position requires strong research and problem solving skills initiative and flexibility around multiple technologies. Responsibilities and Functions To perform this job successfully an individual must be able to perform each of the following essential duties Maintain existing web applications for necessary modifications and new features using primarily C and ASP.NET technologies. Integrate new and existing COTS products into in-house applications and or other COTS products. Develop new web applications using .NET technologies from the ground up. Develop and support complex T-SQL stored procedures views and functions. Develop and support middle tier appliations with Web Windows Services. Design build and test web presentation business and data access layers. Design software systems from requirements interactions with users business analysts system analysts and collaborative input from peers and others. Develop technical design documentation using UML. Work with Quality Assurance (QA) personnel to ensure software meets software quality standards Estimate work needed to complete assigned tasks and commit to their completion. Conduct peer review of software designs programs and test results. Work after hours as needed to implement software into production. Education Experience Knowledge Bachelor s degree in Computer Science Information Systems or related field with at least 2 years of programming experience or 6 years programming experience in lieu of degree. A degree in Computer Science is preferred. Experience creating and supporting web-based applications on Microsoft IIS. 2 years experience with .NET programming 2 years experience with SQL and T-SQL is preferred Working knowledge of n-tier application design along with basic principles of computer science algorithms data structures and multi-threading. Working knowledge of software engineering software life cycle and security principles. Strong troubleshooting research and problem solving skills. Detail-oriented with strong organizational and documentation skills Submit resume and cover letter with salary requirements and availability date with Programmer Analyst in subject line.



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