Dozer big boy URGENT - Male Mastiff Mix

located in citrus hights areacontact the owner for detailed info- - -Xtext or callDozer is 17 months old and according to his current owner weighs already 115 poundsso he will gain at least another 20 or so once filled out he s 31 inches tallDozer has energy and is not a couch potato he s young only looking for a fun active adult homeHe lived with the same family for 15 months grew up in an adult home with 2 other smaller dogshe has had some training knows hand signals too looking to continue in a breed experienced home prefer as only pet in adult home with a big enough yard to stretch his legs and someone that s home during the day has the time and wants another best buddy as a family member not just a dogloves to chase Tennis Ball chew toys loves to play loves to runand loves to bond and be with his family indoors with play and potty outsideHe s fully house trainednot crate trainednot well socialized in publicdoes great when visitors come over but still needs to learn not to jump and be so excitedloves to give kisses too only to trusted folkshe is a great protectoryou must be either large dog or breed experienced and have owned a large dog yourselfadult homeprefer no other pets at homemust be home during the dayfully vetted. chipped and recent shots heartworm tested... More Info



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