Koda girl cutest pup - Female Siberian HuskyAkita Mix

fully approved adopter picks up in Colfax area if BEFORE July 30thafter that in Redding CAsee our adoption process-.-X.-Xsee videos on our sitesee videos on our siteKoda are about 5 months old weigh in at about 35 pounds so should be in the husky size range once full growncrate trained and indoor dog with outdoor play and pottyloves to play fetch and run through the sprinklerslives currently in a home with a cat so could be worked with on thatShe loves the kids there which are 7 yrs 2 years and 6 months oldwe would love her to go to a home with an older nice child but not a mustIf any dogs at home a larger dog would be ideal as they are pups and like to ruff houseWe are looking for a stable breed experienced home owner that is home during the dayhas time love patience and the finances to raise a pupKoda rarely barks but loves to talk to you at times like huskies doShe s super friendly to everyone according to current caretakerwill sit on command and ready to learn much moreShe is loved and cared for now but needs her own homes to grow up in for the rest of her lifeShadow is her sister and available right now together with her sister to a matching experienced familya good fenced yard a must won t adopt without fencingno apartments pleaseadoption fee references fenced yard pics of home... More Info



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