Machine Shop Indianapolis

Certified Automotive Machine Shop Indianapolis Machine Shop Indianapolis Certified Automotive Machine Shop and Services 2422 E. Washington Street Indianapolis Indiana 46201 (317) 632-3404 Machine Shop Indianapolis Certified Automotive features the most complete shop in Indianapolis Whether you are wanting some machine work done on your engine or you are wanting a complete engine built from scratch Certified is your source. Our machine shop can rebuild your stock motor or build you a complete racing engine. Let our 40 years plus of experience work for your. Our services include Complete engine rebuilds Bore and Hone Hot tank Install Cam bearings Install Freeze plugs Sleeve block Deck Block Align Hone Block Clearance Block for Stroker motors Remove and replace pistons Turn crank Polish Crank Balance Rotating Assembly Polish and Check Crank Install heavy metal on crank Recondition Rods Valve jobs 3 Angle Valve Jobs Mill Head Straighten Aluminum Head Magna Flux Head Magna Flux Block Clean Heads We will gladly do custom machine work. The Fast Turn Around In Indy Call us for pricing on any machine work you may need (317) 632-3404 Machine Shop Indianapolis.



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