Polar - Female Terrier (Unknown Type Medium) Mix

My momma was rescued from Dallas Animal Services while pregnant and my siblings and I were born in a foster home We spend our early days growing big and strong and now that we re all fixed we re hoping to find families of our own I have one floppy ear which makes me look perpetually inquisitive and I absolutely adore snuggles. I m doing great with my potty training and leash training and I m searching for a home where I can continue to learn all of the things a good puppy should I m too precious to be searching for a home much longer so don t miss your chance to meet me while you can Age 3 months Weight 4.7 poundsADOPTION PROCESS If you are interested in adopting an animal from Second Chance SPCA you will need to come to our adoption center during business hours. Appointments are not required. Adopters must visit with an adoption counselor and complete an application process. Adoptions are approved based on the best matched home for each pet. We reserve the right to reject an application based on the needs of the pet. Adopters must live in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. Adopters must be at least 21 years-old. Renters must provide proof of pet deposit and or written permission by landlord to have a pet.ADOPTION FEES 250 for puppies under 6 months of age and 200 for dogs older than 6 months Includes spay neuter age appropriate vaccinations microchip fecal and heartworm test. All dogs are current on heartworm and flea preventative. 125 for kittens under 6 months of age and 100 for cats older than 6 months. Includes spay neuter vaccinations microchip fecal and FeLV FIV test. All cats are current on heartworm and flea preventative.



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