Gazelle - Female Miniature Pinscher Mix

Gazelle is a Class Clown. If you just looked at those big doe eyes and the delicate shadings of her tricolor coat you might think she is a shy little mite. Not so This Miniature Pinscher mix is a trickster and a party girl living proof that girls just gotta have fun. She s barely past puppyhood but she s always looking for some good-humored soul mates ready to help her let the good times roll. Her silly slapstick comedy will keep you and your friends doubled over laughing. When she hogs the spotlight just offer a treat and a lap and she ll settle down. Meet giggle-inducing Gazelle at the East Bay SPCA. Pet number 38041. Primary Color Tri Color Weight 7.2 Age 0yrs 6mths 0wks... More Info



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