Esme - Female Dachshund Mix

Usually we think of a Dachshund as a kind of long-eared detective checking with its nose for all the neighborhood news about visitors and wildlife. You can think about Esme as a Goofball instead. Girls just gotta have fun and this one is a fun-loving happy-all-the-time character. Esme is a short-haired Dachshund mix in a glossy-black coat a glass-is-half-full kind of dog. She ll be great fun for someone who loves to laugh and play. She has a delightful doggy sense of humor and is a dog on a mission to please you. She loves people but not other dogs and not cats. Meet excellent Esme at the East Bay SPCA. Pet number 34717. Primary Color Black Weight 18.5 Age 5yrs 0mths 2wks... More Info



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