Top quality DNA tested African Parrots

Still a baby perfect age for learning very intelligent and great talkers at this stageHe s very playful come on your hand and shoulders gets on great with both males and females and used to young children and pets like cats and dogs very vocal says a few words and loves whistling the McDonald s tune and his name is Rio and Comes with all his paperwork birthday hatch certificates and has a ring on him to confirm this and a big cage he s fit and healthy feathers perfect no plucking habitats like some parrots he would make a great companion for some that has time unfortunately due to my change of circumstances I have to part with Rio due to no fault of his own He will be dearly missed by all of us.I m looking for for the parrot alone or with the cage its as they both cost me please no overs offers priced accordingly and only serious buyers with a forever loving home thank you.



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