1970 FORD THUNDERBIRD - Price: $3800

Original Family Owner Asking for 3800 or best offer. This 1970 Ford Thunderbird is looking for a new home. I am the 2nd car owner my father was the first. This T-Bird has been in the family since 1970. Runs good at 158 270 original miles a 429 8cylinder engine that passes smog every year but is begining to need attention under the hood and showing its age a little but with having a solid history this T-Bird has a great restoration future. Original as is body AM-8 track radio cloth enterior with wrap around Thunderbird back seat & original vinyl top Asking 3800 or best offer. Please note Solid good history and ready for restoration Engine original Transmittion original (after sitting leaks a little) air heater-needs work (by passsed heater core live in Vegas) Turn signals-need work (cornering lights work) Power windows-needs work Front end-needs work (rt front tire wearing on inside) Tires-like new (3 of 4 new rt front wearing) Up intil June(2012)was driving to work (14 miles round trip) has been a solid reliable car.



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