German Shepherd puppies - Price: 500

I have 2 female pure bread German Shepherds that are 5 months and current on all shots. Working dogs ie. search and rescue blind aid livestock herding home protection. I purchased the Sire from Kraftwerk k9 for 4800 he is of championship working bloodlines and can be researched from their website. The dam is of search and rescue working lines. These puppies are very intelligent and have beautiful markings. When you see them and mom dad you will fall in love Good homes only please you can call or text Brian at 916-956-7246 with any further questions. Sire is AKC and Dam litter certificate will be CKC. Also willing to trade for a male Rottweiler puppy. This link shows a small video clip of puppies s watch v 6wggB-e6vPA& feature youtube_gdata_player



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