Roomie Wanted

I have had a fire at my place and it is being rebuilt should be done by the end of Aug. but I m placing this ad for Sept. Location is at 37 and 465 550 Mo I am looking for a long term roomieI do have visiting children grandchildren and friends and you can have that as wellI m a very easy to live with landlord roomie. I am a clean person and you should be as well. Clean as you go. You will have access to the house laundry yard garage kitchen good size back porch patio that I m tring to make very friend friendly. There is a parking spot just for you and inside your room is a full personal bath We will make an area in the garage for a smoking area should you be into that. I am definately not into nor do I want drugs in my home nor come home all drugged up or a drunk to the outta control level. I m a great Uber to keep you safe.I am a quiet person and I can cook you have access to that kitchen as well. We will buy our own eats and laundry and toiletries I am looking for a permanent long term rommie but I know life changes so I will always keep that in mind. We must meet and get along. I don t argue yell scream or fight nor do I want that in my house. No draMa NO DRUGS NO STEALING No LIES.. We both need to show and have respect for each other and our belongingsIf you have an animal we can talk about that. I do not have any pets. I do not want to clean up anything after any thing or anyone. These guys are yours not mine if it s a cat it needs to be to old to jump up on my kitchen counter. I m listing this in hopes to find a stable person who is normal. I have a 2 bdrm house nice quiet neighborhood kind of a country setting. I m listing 1 bdrm below because I only have one room available to rent out I m keeping the other one LoLPLEASE have a sence of humorI will post pictures once it is framed and looking more like a home instead of foundation only



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